Ray Brehm, Paula Judith Johnson and Robert Wood Anderson have brought together a group of experts to help you to write, publish and market your crime and thriller novel.

This exclusive event is FREE (for a limited time). Be sure to register to get notified when each expert session becomes available. All sessions will be released on demand, which means you can watch on your timetable.

FREE ACCESS | October 21 to 25, 2024

Ray Brehm, Paula Judith Johnson and Robert Wood Anderson have brought together a group of experts to help you to write, publish and market your crime and thriller novel.


​Join 1,000s of people just like YOU and start writing your crime and thriller novel!

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Paula Judith Johnson's The "What If" Game.

The "what if" game is a creative technique authors use to explore different possibilities and generate ideas for their characters and storylines.

This event will bring together the crime and thriller expert writers in the industry to teach how to write, publish and market your novel FREE (for a limited time).

​Join 1,000s of people just like YOU and

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Featured Expert Sessions

Day 1

Paula & Robert

Introduction to the Crime Thriller Author Summit

Join Paula Judith Johnson and Robert Wood Anderson who talk what to expect from the Crime Thriller Author Summit.

Monique Danielle

Format Like a Pro: Unlocking Self-Publishing Success with Atticus

In this Expert Session, Monique Daniel discusses the significance of efficient book formatting for self-publishing authors using Atticus, a user-friendly platform created by Dave Chesson. Atticus automates formatting tasks and offers customizable themes, enabling authors to achieve professional-quality results without the hassle and expense of traditional methods. The platform is designed to adapt to various genres and supports future collaboration features, promoting a community-oriented approach to writing.

Derek Doepker

Passion to Profit with Email Marketing for Authors

Unlock the secrets to turning your passion for writing into a thriving business with email marketing tailored for authors. Discover proven strategies to grow your audience, boost book sales, and build lasting connections with your readers!

Matty Dalrymple

From Page to the Stage: Speaking as an Author

In this Expert Session, Matty Dalrymple, co-author of “From Page to Platform, How to Succeed as an Author-Speaker,” underscores the vital role of public speaking for authors in promoting their work and building connections with readers. She highlights the distinct approaches for fiction and nonfiction, emphasizing the need for authors to be comfortable with various formats while tailoring their pitches and presentations to specific audiences.

Richard McCartney

Climbing the Amazon Bestseller Ladder: Strategies for the #1 Rank

In this Expert Session, Richard McCartney discusses effective strategies for crime authors to achieve a number one sales ranking on Amazon. He highlights the significance of identifying specific categories, analyzing competition, and employing targeted marketing tactics, such as using promotional sites and building an email list, to enhance visibility and sales.

Ray Brehm

How to Save a Fortune and Grow Your Author Business with Pubfunnels

In this Expert Session, Ray covers how you can save a fortune and grow your author business with Pubfunnels. Building your author brand can be overwhelming with all the different products and services that you need.

This process can be incredibly overwhelming, complicated to integrate, time intensive and very costly. What if you could have a program that takes care of all these things for a fraction of the price?

Day 2

Savannah Gilbo

Plot Twists and Red Herrings to Keep Readers Guessing

Master the art of crafting unpredictable plot twists and red herrings that will keep your readers hooked until the last page. Unveil techniques to build suspense and surprise, leaving your audience guessing at every turn!

TwylaBeth Lambert

Mastering the Art of Collaboration in Writing via Professional Editing

In this Expert Session, TwylaBeth Lambert emphasizes the vital role of professional editing across various writing genres, highlighting the need for a thorough understanding of genre conventions to enhance literary works.

Greta Boris

The Path to Traditional Book Publishing

In this Expert Session, mystery thriller writer Greta Boris shares her journey from magazine advertising to successful authoring. She highlights the necessity of having a polished manuscript, thorough research, and effective networking, while also introducing modern pitching techniques through social media.

Lynn Bohart

Using Setting to Enhance Suspense and Atmosphere

Learn how to transform your story’s setting into a powerful tool for building suspense and creating an unforgettable atmosphere. Discover techniques to immerse your readers in tension-filled environments that heighten the drama and intrigue of your plot!

Jack Lawrence

What it Takes to be a Successful Crime Fiction Author

In this Expert Session, bestselling author Jack Lawrence discusses his transition from family therapy to writing thrillers. He emphasizes the importance of community engagement in promoting your work, utilizing social media, independent bookstores, and local libraries to foster connections with readers.

Day 3

Hank Marcacci

Upping Your Book's Visibility

In this Expert Session, Hank Marcacci from Publisher Rocket dives into the tough spot indie authors often find themselves in when trying to market their books on Amazon, especially when going up against big-name competitors. He shares how Publisher Rocket’s tools for tweaking keywords and categories can really help get your book noticed.

Janice Hardy

Building Suspense and Tension from the First Page

Grab your readers' attention from the very first page with expert techniques for building suspense and tension. Learn how to create an irresistible sense of intrigue that keeps your audience on the edge of their seat from start to finish!

Paul Austin Ardoin

What You Need to be a Successful Crime Fiction Writer

Paul Austin Ardoin shares how to write compelling crime thrillers. He covers the importance of romance in mystery books and how to structure a writing process and style. He also delves into series writing vs. standalone novels and marketing strategies.

Sarah Elisabeth Sawyer

Writing American Indian Characters

Delve into the art of writing authentic and respectful American Indian characters that enrich your storytelling. Explore cultural nuances, history, and perspectives to create characters with depth and sensitivity that resonate with readers.

Lorraine Johnston

Personalizing AI Tools Based on Your Writer Working Styl

Get a sneak peek into Lorraine’s "Writer Working Style" quiz to find out how knowing your approach to writing can lead to a custom-fit AI toolkit. Learn to use AI in ways that support your unique strengths, from intense plotting to inspired world-building.

Day 4

Troy Lambert

Plot Development in Crime and Thriller Fiction

Unlock the secrets to crafting gripping crime and thriller plots that captivate and surprise your readers. Learn how to build tension, layer clues, and develop high-stakes conflicts that keep your audience turning the pages until the shocking finale!

Steve Pieper

Building Author-Reader Relationships and Boosting Sales with Email Marketing

Stop shooting in the dark. In this session Steve shares strategies for successful direct book sales, how to understand and identify the appropriate audience and the importance of communicating effectively with them. He also discusses the benefits and autonomy of direct sales over Amazon.

Stacy Juba

Editing and Revising Your Crime Manuscript

Take your crime manuscript to the next level with expert tips on editing and revising for maximum impact. Learn how to sharpen suspense, tighten pacing, and enhance plot twists to create a polished, page-turning thriller!

Colleen Story

Trad vs. Indie Publishing from a Hybrid Author

Discover the pros and cons of traditional and indie publishing from the unique perspective of a successful hybrid author. Learn how to navigate both paths and choose the best publishing strategy to achieve your author career goals!

Isobelle Lans

Crafting Complex Characters: Isobelle Lans Discusses Moral Ambiguity in Fiction

In this session Isobelle talks how multi-dimensional characters add depth and realism to a story and how conflict and tension play into character development. She also covers  how to create emotional resonance with the reader.

Day 5

Kevin T. Johns

Creating High-Stakes Conflict

Elevate your storytelling by mastering the art of creating high-stakes conflict that keeps readers glued to the page. Learn how to raise the tension, deepen character struggles, and push your plot to its thrilling breaking point!

Lorna K. Bailey

The Virtual Assistant’s Role in Publishing

In this session Lorna shares the importance of trust in workplace relationships: 'Hiring an assistant isn't about hiring someone who's competent necessarily. Yes, you want to hire someone who's able to do the work, but it's about hiring someone you can trust'. Lorna also covers rapid changes and the influence of AI, the importance of adaptability in the evolving business environment and how to get professional help and clear goal-setting to avoid distractions.

Jennifer Hilt

Defining Crime/Thiller Tropes

Dive into the world of crime and thriller tropes to discover what keeps readers coming back for more. Learn how to use classic elements like the red herring, the ticking clock, and the unreliable narrator to craft a suspenseful, edge-of-your-seat story!

Samantha Skal

The Art of Mystery Writing: Tips and Techniques from Samantha Skal

In this session Samantha talks about the importance of underlying truth in a story and how to get motivation behind a villain's actions in creating a compelling narrative. She also emphasizes on character motivation and how to build connections and find beta readers through conferences, online forums, and social media.

Eric Van Der Hope

7 Steps to Developing an Effective Author Platform

In this session, Eric shares how to communicate your expertise to others using your web presence, public speaking, classes, media contacts and content you have published.

Want to access to all the World Class Sessions?

These sessions will show you valuable resources that will help you to become a successful crime thriller author. For a limited time, you can get FREE access to this exclusive content right here.


  • Once-In-A Lifetime Curated Speakers & Actionable Content - Never before seen strategies explained by the top leadership experts in the world (hand-picked just for this summit.) 

  • You Don’t Even Need To Leave Your House -- Attend From Your Computer, Phone or Tablet - ​There’s no flight or hotel room to book… saving you thousands of dollars, unpaid work leave, and time away from your family.

  • World-Class Quality Content - This not your ordinary online event. We take pride in delivering you the absolute best content so that you can get great results, and build a thriving audience for your book.


Your journey to become a successful writer in the crime thriller field

 could go one of two ways:

Long and Difficult Way

You could spend thousands dollars and countless hours trying to implement "OLD" outdated strategies you've learned from "so-called experts" that aren't that effective anymore (or worse... don't work at all!). 

Easy and Fast Way

You could sign up for the summit today and get real insights from the experts and a step-by-step guide to get some of your biggest questions about writing and marketing crime thriller novels.

Meet Your Host Paula Judith Johnson

Paula Judith Johnson is an online entrepreneur, Amazon Best Selling author, award-winning author of steamy romance novels, hostess of the Writing Romance Mastery Summits and co-host of the Fantasy/Sci-fi Authors Summits. Both summits are where you can learn about writing, publishing, and marketing your novels. Between the years 2021 and 2023, she mentored new romance authors through the Romance Writers of America RAMP program. Paula Judith is also the creator of the immersive Seductive Storylines course and coaching program for romance authors. 

Meet Your Host Robert Wood Anderson

Best-selling author Robert Wood Anderson’s thrillers, include Popoford’s Run 3-Book Thriller-Paranormal Series. His most recent book, Crush His Heart, a Max Augustine Thriller, has received highly favorable reviews. Robert has achieved best-selling Amazon status and is a Global Book Award Winner. His latest book, 2433, is a religious, dystopian epic and will be available soon.

Meet Your Host Ray Brehm

Ray Brehm is USA Today and Wall Street Journal Bestselling Author, and the founder of Pubfunnels™, the #1 Business Hub for Authors.

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Want to access 25+ World Class Sessions?

These sessions will show you valuable resources that will help you to become a successful crime thriller author. For a limited time, you can get FREE access to this exclusive content right here.

@ 2024 The Crime Thriller Summit is curated by Ray Brehm, Paula Judith Johnson and Robert Wood Anderson.